Color options : Green, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Black, Blue , Red , Purple.
K-eWrist Band is a high technology product that helps to:
• Improves blood circulation
• Improves body health
• Alleviates discomfort
• Prevents fatigue
• Increases physical flexibility
The main compositions of K-eWRIST BAND and how do they help us :
• Negative ions
It helps to neutralize positive ions in the body which cause pain and fatigue. It also helps to reduce the viscosity of blood by separating the clustered red blood cells to increase oxygen supply, eliminating stress and alleviating tenses and anxiety. It is also good in helping to stabilize the autonomic nervous system by balancing activities of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
• Far infrared ray
It produces “resonance effect” in the body to enhance the metabolism of the body & improve blood circulation.